Eilat here i come! |
As some of you might know my ulpan in Kibbutz Maggan Michael was for five months august to the end of December. When my ulpan was nearing an end I was at a loss what to do with my self, my army service was at the closest 6 months away and I couldn’t just stay with my family till then so I needed to get an apt and a good job. Now let me tell you something that being 18 and looking for a bob in most of Israel is insane. Most Israeli kids at 18 are in the army or about to draft in to the army so no one wants to hire them. How ever the one place in Israel that everyone in Israel can find a job is in a city called Eilat. Eilat is the most southern tip of Israel along the red sea. Its basically a tourist city with beaches lined with hotels really nice beaches and a lot of expensive food and shopping. And a city full of hotels needs thousands of works ( most short term workers) which mean JOBS! So on December 28th at the unholy hour of 5am 4 other fellow ulpantist and I moved down to Eilat to work. Once I got Eilat we all moved in to the same apt and started working at the hotel “Rimonim Neptune” a five star hotel along the beach. We worked as room cleaners 6 days a week from 8 am till 4pm. I didn’t mind the job as much as my friends because I had one very big advantage on my side, a basic knowledge and grasp of Hebrew. Whereas my friends only spoke Spanish and a little bit of English.
So this is just a note to all new olim LEARN HEBREW!!! There is no way for me to stress this enough if you are going to live in Israel you need to know Hebrew. And as a another language after you have mastered Hebrew, pick Russian. Its amazing the language hasn’t been changed official to Russian yet.
Neptune Rimonim |
Now where was I, oh yes Eilat. The rooms were not that bad to clean, how ever I now understand why a lot of people get sick on vacation, but that’s for another post. I had a few main problems with the job though. One the lack of clean towels in the hotel, I cant even begging to ask why there ere so few towels everyday. Its like I would start off my day with just enough towels to cover 5 out of my 20 rooms that I had to clean. The second problem I was having was the guests that stayed in the hotel, I mean if I didn’t put towels in your room im probably out of towels. But if you come and ask me 50 times for towels im defiantly now going to give you any if and when I have them. I mean you may think cleaning hotel rooms is a very strait forward job very simple and easy. The actual work itself is easy: making the bed, dusting, washing down the bathroom, cleaning the dishes, taking out the trash, and replacing things like napkins tea and coffee. The hard part is that when lets say you have 25 rooms to do in one day and lets say you start the day off well with all you supplies. But by room 3 your out of sugar, by room 5 your out of towels, by room 9 your out of coffee and so on, the hard part is remembering all this constantly answer your bosses phone calls, being asked to do this room or that by your boss and the guests, how about when a guest asks for extra of something or nothing of another think well guess what the housekeeper has to remember everything do a perfect job I the rooms and finish on time. Its a lot for one person.
one style of room I cleaned |
Another big problem I had was my boss. She thought we were robots if you were lucky, or she liked you you would get to work with a partner. But if not well you still had the same number of rooms as pairs and you were expected to finish at the same time. But I guess the only things that made the job work was my friends and this really cute guy who worked at the hotel Gym that I saw everyday at lunch. And boy was I like a kid in a candy store when he sat down next to my for lunch one dy. You will hear all about him shortly but I have got to go for now.
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another style of room I cleaned |
my fav room in the whole hotel room 401 |