Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Tears and the Smiles.

Just now I watched one on Nefesh BNefesh Aliyah Videos and I just started to cry. The feeling inside me are so strong and overwhelming that they are bubbling over more and more. Having to say goodbye to so many of my friends is making my so sad. But I am also happy in away because I AM GOING HOME! Some of you may to understand what I mean by home, what I mean is Israel is my homeland to have the ability to move to my homeland is beyond what words can ever explain. So will I be crying a lot for awhile. I just hope someone on my flight is in a similar position as me. Making Aliyah all alone. I will defiantly need a shoulder to cry on for quite awhile. Just watch when the flight lands in Israel I’m going to start crying so hard, but they will be mixed tears. Tears of missing my family, friends and my parents in the USA and tears of joy and happiness because I will be starting a new chapter of my life in Israel. All I can say is please someone always have a box of tissues when your with me. I cant wait!! Great here come the tears again….. I am going to miss everyone so much. And I cant wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shoshana, each time I hear about Jews from around the world that are making aliya, especially the ones like yourself - all alone, leaving family and friend behind, makes me proud to be Jewish and live in Israel.
    But I want you to know, that it is not all sweet here. There are a lot of hardships and obstacles to overcome.
    I really hope you will find your place here, in this little piece of land that the Jewish people came to call their Home =)
